Welcome to Valinor Somalis. We are breeders of top show quality Somalis. We breed both silvers and non-silvers, however we do not have chocolate and lilac in our program.
It all started in the year 2000, when a work collegue of mine, Melanie Askeland, convinced me to buy a kitten from her. At the time, she bred silver Somalis. I bought a kitten from her(Askecat Galadriel DuCati) and a Somali cross African Wild Cat (Xena), from Angie Lottering, and immediately was consumed by the fabulous temperament and beauty of them both. She convinced me to take the 2 cats to a show and everyone kept asking me whether I would begin breeding with Galadriel. To be honest, until that moment that idea hadn’t crossed my mind, but it slowly crept in and eventually I decided to have a go. The rest is history. Over the next 19 years, we have slowly improved the quality of our cats’ type and temperament with the assistance of Abymoon Cattery and importing cats from Europe.
We hope you enjoy your visit to our page and looking at our cats. If you would like to visit the cats, and us, please give us a shout.