Blast from the Past

Without knowing where we come from, we won’t know who we are and where we are going?  This page is dedicated to all of the cats that came before at Valinor Somalis.  There have been many, some that were with us for a short time and some that stayed a long time.  All of them were cats that we loved and we miss:

Gr Ch Askecat Galadriel DuCati of Valinor

Gr Ch Askecat Galadriel duCati of Valinor

Gr Ch Dushara Breidablik of Valinor

Valinor Frodo Baggins

Gr Ch Corros Crystal

Sp Ch Valinor Palantiri

Gr Ch Valinor Mellyrn Ivy

Gr Ch Eydype de la Cornaline of Valinor

Gr Ch Justine Silver za Svobody of Valinor

Gr Ch Valinor Bard’s Legacy